Saturday, January 3, 2015


The arrival of the Fitness Challenge was perfect timing for me. I'm planning on running a half-marathon with Alberto later this year, so getting myself in shape is pretty much mandatory. I'll probably be running mostly, but I'll still try and do my fair share of push ups. I can't wait to compare pecs at our year-end Fitness Challenge party. (There's going to be a party, right?)

Anyway, another challenge I am planning for myself is taking part in Drynuary. In case you've not heard of that awful word, it basically means no drinking during the month of January (not counting New Year's Day, because you were probably drinking at 12:01, so you might as well have a drink when you wake up).

I thought about doing this last year when I read this article, but we had a three month old baby who didn't really like to sleep, so the wife and I found a lot of solace at the bottom of a wine bottle when she did sleep (okay, the bottom of a box of wine).

So I'm on day 2 of Drynuary and OH MY GOD I NEED A DRINK. No, wait. It's actually OK, so far. This is going to be easy. I mean, it won't be easy at all. There are many reasons to drink -- football playoffs, I have two sisters who have birthdays this month, a new season of Justified, it's cold outside, there will be several Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. My point being, I find lots of excuses to drink. Which doesn't really help when it comes to the getting in shape motivation.

I'll let you know how it goes. Feel free to join me. Or feel free to taunt me with your delicious beers, wines and fine liquors.

Oh, and best of all is that February 1 is Super Bowl Sunday. What better way to end 30 days of clean living than with the most disgusting fried food booze-filled day of the year? Then the next day is Groundhog Day, which I always stay up all night and drink. Then it's February 3, and that's as good a day as any to drink a lot.

I reserve the right to end this challenge for a good reason, such as winning a trip to Napa or going through severe alcohol withdrawal.

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